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CO2 &CoolPeel

CoolPeel treatment with little down time

Looking to repair your skin and help the process of aging of your skin? At Rejuv NP the CoolPeel treatment can help you achieve better skin! This is a CO2 treatment which is the gold standard of skin resurfacing but offers little downtime and is safe for most skin types.

How is the CoolPeel different?

CO2 lasers are the gold standard in treating wrinkles, age spots, acne scars, and other blemishes as well as tighten skin and balance tone. Damaged skin tissue is removed, or ablated, stimulating new collagen production and heat energy is delivered to tighten the skin. CO2 treatments are often accompanied by considerable downtime and risk while damaged skin heals BUT advances have been made to improve the side effects of CO2 treatments and ONLY the CoolPeel can deliver a fractional ablative treatment without the downtime. There is minimal risk of hyperpigmentation, demarcation or induced infection.

CO2 Laser, 

Fractionated CO2 laser resurfacing targets scars, lines, texture, tone, and brown spots and we recommend this treatment for those that have signs of progressed, unwanted aging and do not mind more down time in exchange for a stronger CO2 treatment. 


A traditional CO2 treatment can offer more of an aggressive treatment option than the CoolPeel Co2 treatment.  So this laser option is better for those with numerous pigmented lesions, wrinkles, sun damage and much more. 


The laser treatment itself takes about 15 minutes for the face, additional time for added areas. 

Pre & Post Laser Care

We encourage you to read more about pre and post treatment.

More about the Treatment

How long does the CoolPeel treatment take?  under 15 minutes

Is there anesthesia required?  No; but you and the provider can discuss topical numbing if requested. 

What is the recovery time ?  After your Rejuv CoolPeel there is minimal downtime. You should expect to be a little red, as if you have a sunburn, for a day, or two, but nothing should prevent you from returning to your normal daily activities.  Your skin may feel dry and scaly as it heals so it is important to keep the skin hydrated. .

When can I return to my skincare routine? After your CoolPeel treatment, it is important to keep your skin hydrated and there may be certain products you should avoid. Talk to your RejuvNP provider about the best post-treatment care and when you can return to your daily skincare regimen

Pricing varies on area treated.

2-3 treatments recommended: Package & Membership savings available

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